Jordyn Brosemer



Hover for the projects working! All Projects are also on my Github!

Brachiating robot desgined to traverse a monkey bar course. Designed a remote control mode to control each shoulder, elbow and wrist as well as prototyped an autonomous mode. The autonomous mode worked via a webcam stapped to the body of the spider taking pictures before movement to determine the bar distance and type of bar. Brachiating robot desgined to traverse a monkey bar course. Designed a remote control mode to control each shoulder, elbow and wrist as well as prototyped an autonomous mode. The autonomous mode worked via a webcam stapped to the body of the spider taking pictures before movement to determine the bar distance and type of bar.
Self Balancing Robot that could pick itself up using its arms and balanced with combined sensor data from a Lidar and an IMU. Filtered the IMU data and used a PD controller for balance. The Lidar was used to determine default conditions and when the robot had fallen over, used LIDAR information to pick itself up. Self Balancing Robot that could pick itself up using its arms and balanced with combined sensor data from a Lidar and an IMU. Filtered the IMU data and used a PD controller for balance. The Lidar was used to determine default conditions and when the robot had fallen over, used LIDAR information to pick itself up.
A rotating rack and pinion, using software I wrote to write letters from simple equations I also wrote. A servo operated dispenser incrementally placed the salt on the paper. A rotating rack and pinion, using software I wrote to write letters from simple equations I also wrote. A servo operated dispenser incrementally placed the salt on the paper.
Atlas, the ball catcher and tosser robot operated via an automous cyclical FSM. During detect state the camera inside detects a users face and if they want the ball to center themselves in frame. Once centered Atlas drops the ramp inside to 'throw' the ball. A funnel in his head caught the ball and a lidar sensor changed the state when the ball was detected inside. Once the ball rolled over a limit switch Atlas entered the catch state knowing it had rolled the ball successfully. Atlas, the ball catcher and tosser robot operated via an automous cyclical FSM. During detect state the camera inside detects a users face and if they want the ball to center themselves in frame. Once centered Atlas drops the ramp inside to 'throw' the ball. A funnel in his head caught the ball and a lidar sensor changed the state when the ball was detected inside. Once the ball rolled over a limit switch Atlas entered the catch state knowing it had rolled the ball successfully.
The Baking Buddy was a final project for Embedded Systems. Using a force sensor and UART users could specify what ingredients they want on a keyboard as well as how much, and the right amount of the ingredient specified would be weighed and dispensed into the bowl.
A rotating rack and pinion, using software I wrote to write letters from simple equations I also wrote with salt A rotating rack and pinion, using software I wrote to write letters from simple equations I also wrote with salt



Hi, I'm Jordyn Brosemer and I'm an engineer aspiring to work in the field of robotics. I love creating the means for robots to move as well as the designing and building of the robots themselves. I am currently a master's student at Tufts University, studying electrical engineering in human robot interaction and I plan to graduate in the winter of 2022. I got my BS from Lafayette College where I studied electrical and computer engineering. Aside from these hands on personal projects I enjoy hiking, playing instruments and listening to music, and exaggerating my personality on my portfolio website.

Contact Me

Somerville, MA

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